One of the international appointments organized for the BNL Media Art Festival (Rome, April 13-17, 2016) will be held on April 14 at the Goethe-Institut (Via Savoia 15, 10-11 am) with Gabriele Kreuter-Lenz, General Director, Goethe-Institut in Italy, and Valentino Catricalà, MAFArtistic Director. Siegfried Zielinski, founding Rector of the Academy of Arts & Media Cologne and Rector of the University of Arts & Design Karlsruhe, will hold a lecture.
Gabriele Kreuter-Lenz, General Director, Goethe-Institut in Italy, explains why they decided to participate in the BNL Media Art Festival:
“The Goethe-Institut believes in the importance of digital devices and their applications. Three years ago, we adopted our so-called “digital strategy” to use new media more intensively both as part of our cultural mission and to teach German. We are happy to participate in the MAF and showcase our new formats.
We have invited Freddy Paul Grunert from the Karlsruhe ZKM Centre for Art and Technology to present an installation inspired by the much-debated optical light vortex theory of Italian physicist Fabrizio Tamburini. Together with Grunert, Siegfried Zielinski, co-founder of ZKM and pioneer of digital art, will present his most recent developments. We are happy to bring this contribution on the marriage of art and technology and are curious to see what else will be there.”