The “Human+. The Future of Our Species” Exhibition led to the conception of Project Mix User Experience – MUX, promoted by the Palazzo delle Esposizioni and the Fondazione Mondo Digitale. This is an original artistic production project that will join the Media Art Festival with a creative context on artificial intelligence. The ideas selected by the contest will be presented through an elevator pitch at RomeCup 2018. The three finalists will have one month to complete their proposal and develop new digital content that will be exhibited and presented at the Media Art Festival.
Today, Oussama Khatib, Director of the Robotics lab at Stanford University, and Nitish Thakor, Director of the Sinapse Centre at the National University of Singapore, will visit the Human+ Exhibition. They will be accompanied by Eugenio Gugliemelli, Deputy Rector for Research at the Rome Campus Bio-Medico University, and Valentino Catricalà, Artistic Director of the Media Art Festival and curator of the Italian Section of the Human+ Exhibition. They will be welcomed by Flaminia Bonino, Exhibition Organisation Manager for Azienda Speciale Palaexpo